Thursday, November 21, 2019

U.S. Attorney exits job to cheering crowds, living the dream of every fired employee

U.S. Attorney exits job to cheering crowds, living the dream of every fired employeeU.S. Attorney exits job to cheering crowds, living the dream of every fired employeeAnyone who has seen a friend fired, or been fired himself, dreams of only one thing a recognition of ones heroic contribution to the job.Today, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara lived that dream. The well-known prosecutor used his office to fine Wall Streets biggest insider traders. Last week, however, Bharara welches asked to resign along with over 42 other attorneys general. Such turnover is common with a new administration, but unusual in Bhararas case since U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions reportedly told him his job was safe.Bharara says he was fired after refusing to quit, and other stories indicate he was working on investigations that may have embarrassed the White House.What is indisputable, however, is the remarkable theater of his exit. One thing you can say Preet Bharara does not go out like a punk.The scene i s remarkable. In a moment worthy of the finest Roman emperors, Bharara emerges from the doors of the U.S. Attorneys office to a crowd of emotional, cheering colleagues.Bhararas exit indicates the size of his loyal army, standing behind police barriers, as they would for a parade.As Bharara walks down the steps to great members of the clapping, smiling crowd, bagpipes play behind him.Yes, bagpipes.This isnt the usual sad office party with goodbye cupcakes and limp balloons. Its all very much the stellung of the conquering hero, and the symbolism is all too clear Bharara intends to hold his head high, and his former employer should worry.What are Bhararas thoughts during this epic (and very staged) exit? We may never know. Bharara savvily refuses to ruin the iconic moment with words. To cries from reporters of Mr. Bharara Preet Preet he dismisses the cameras, turns his back and walks into the warm embrace of his appreciative colleagues.Bhararas exit today reminds us of one of the best workplace exits of all time That of Peggy Olson from Draper Price in Mad Men.The lesson is clear No matter what your job - whether youre an advertising associate or a leading light of the Department of Justice - always try to go out in style.

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